Kloster Andechs
Address: | Bergstraße 2 |
City: | 82346 Andechs |
Telephone: | +49 8152 376-0 |
Fax: | +49 8152 376 143 |
E-mail: | to contact form |
Abuse Commissioners
Representatives for reports in connection with sexualized violence in accordance with the guidelines of the German Conference of Superiors are:
Dr. med. Peter Epple
Psychiater und Psychotherapeut
Address: | Meringerzeller Straße 30 |
City: | 86415 Mering |
Telephone: | +49 8233 74 17 0 |
Fax: | +49 8233 74 17 25 |
E-mail: | to contact form |
Abuse Commissioners
Representatives for reports in connection with sexualized violence in accordance with the guidelines of the German Conference of Superiors are:
Prof. Dr. Beate Gsell
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Address: | Prof.-Huber-Platz 2 |
City: | 80539 München |
Telephone: | +49 89 2180 2794 |
Fax: | +49 89 2180 3159 |
E-mail: | to contact form |